ragee[07/21/08 3:04 PM ]: La Kräm

MockY[07/21/08 3:07 PM ]: nee eee

MockY[07/21/08 3:12 PM ]: Flicknamn sa vi va?

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:12 PM ]: any name

MockY[07/21/08 3:12 PM ]: aha

ragee[07/21/08 3:13 PM ]: anders kommer in om en kvart

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:13 PM ]: ok,good to know

tgs3[07/21/08 3:25 PM ]: Female names are probably 95% of names songs I would guess

tgs3[07/21/08 3:30 PM ]: Time's up

MockY[07/21/08 3:30 PM ]: ord

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:31 PM ]: why does everyone have the same timestamp but me?

tgs3[07/21/08 3:31 PM ]: Anders did say to me in Sweden that he'd rather have voting at 220, but is OK with 210 because of his sleepy little brother

tgs3[07/21/08 3:31 PM ]: It's the same for me. Mine is correct, but everyone else is "wrong"

MockY[07/21/08 3:31 PM ]: is this because everyone else is sleeping at that time and he can be all by himself?

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: there's no reason to be scared Theron

tgs3[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: Apparently the server thinks its in NY

MockY[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: I don't even show the time

tgs3[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: funny

tgs3[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: Time scares me...

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:32 PM ]: I like to sometimes how long ago someone said something when I've been gone a while

MockY[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: Itäs a different timezone in Nina's office

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: know was supposed to be in there somewhere

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: It's the right time zone in Nina's office

tgs3[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: The minutes are correct, so that should take care of most of the time when you wonder

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: I know, I just wondered why I was different?

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: no biggy

MockY[07/21/08 3:33 PM ]: have no idea and I haven't looked into it either

MockY[07/21/08 3:34 PM ]: Something I might put on my todo list

tgs3[07/21/08 3:34 PM ]: Nina said she suggested to have a request button (or something) on the streamer. Sounds like a good idea to me

tgs3[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: More useful than the link to recent updates, even

MockY[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: yes it does. Started working on it yesterday

MockY[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: will hopefully finish tonight

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: cool

MockY[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: unless I forget

tgs3[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: Cool to hear its in the process somewhere

tgs3[07/21/08 3:35 PM ]: Thought maybe you were waiting until the next version is usable

MockY[07/21/08 3:36 PM ]: I wouldnät do that because the new version would not change the streamerblog

MockY[07/21/08 3:37 PM ]: And more requests would probably start to pour in

tgs3[07/21/08 3:39 PM ]: You probably would have gotten a bunch of drunken messages about songs yesterday.

tgs3[07/21/08 3:39 PM ]: Chris had a BBQ and was streaming stuff from there all day

MockY[07/21/08 3:39 PM ]: haha

tgs3[07/21/08 3:39 PM ]: There a bunch of requests for older songs that we didn't have

MockY[07/21/08 3:39 PM ]: cool that it gets used the way it was intended

MockY[07/21/08 3:40 PM ]: That makes me somewhat happy

tgs3[07/21/08 3:40 PM ]: Yup, it was used pretty much the same as your wedding

MockY[07/21/08 3:40 PM ]: awesome

tgs3[07/21/08 3:42 PM ]: He doesn't have as much space to his neighbors as Sonja, though. At 10:15 they called and asked him to stop

MockY[07/21/08 3:42 PM ]: poor thing haha

MockY[07/21/08 3:42 PM ]: I'm gonna go through the logfile to see what they streamed

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:42 PM ]: atleast they called him and not the cops, or said nothing and just hated him for it

MockY[07/21/08 3:42 PM ]: true

tgs3[07/21/08 3:43 PM ]: True. They were apparently pretty polite about it. I think any request after 10 is very reasonable

tgs3[07/21/08 3:43 PM ]: He did go around and warn everyone, so they at least knew to expect it

tgs3[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: BTW, I said yesterday, but I should have said Satruday. Sunday that late would have been worse

ragee[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: nu kom han iaf

tgs3[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: Welcome, Hebbs

MockY[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: HEBBE!!!

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: hej

MockY[07/21/08 3:44 PM ]: hoj

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:45 PM ]: jobbig dag, hatar måndagar på jobbet

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:45 PM ]: hi

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:45 PM ]: me too

tgs3[07/21/08 3:45 PM ]: Sound like Nina talking

tgs3[07/21/08 3:45 PM ]: I do, too, but it has nothing to do with work, just that I'm more lazy than usual on MOndays

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:46 PM ]: far 6.30 hemifrån och kommer hem 21.15

tgs3[07/21/08 3:46 PM ]: Ouch

MockY[07/21/08 3:47 PM ]: ont

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:47 PM ]: men jag har haft 15 min lunch i alla fall

tgs3[07/21/08 3:48 PM ]: You must have peed a few times. That should provide you 30 minutes of rest every time

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:48 PM ]: ha ha jag är nere på 5

tgs3[07/21/08 3:49 PM ]: You must be in traiing

tgs3[07/21/08 3:49 PM ]: training

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:49 PM ]: tror jag pinka en gång

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:49 PM ]: det var väl inräknat i lunchen

MockY[07/21/08 3:50 PM ]: men det e ju 30 minuters rast

tgs3[07/21/08 3:50 PM ]: He's down to 5 mins now

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:50 PM ]: så jag åt väl på 10 då

tgs3[07/21/08 3:50 PM ]: Cher is in the house!

MockY[07/21/08 3:51 PM ]:

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:53 PM ]: bra omg det här

MockY[07/21/08 3:54 PM ]: Blir en spännande runda

tgs3[07/21/08 3:54 PM ]: Have no idea how it will turn out

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:56 PM ]: tror att vi kommer ha olika toppar

tgs3[07/21/08 3:56 PM ]: Probably

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:57 PM ]: ska vi rösta

tgs3[07/21/08 3:57 PM ]: sure

thebrat13n[07/21/08 3:57 PM ]: 1

ragee[07/21/08 3:57 PM ]: ja varför inte

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:58 PM ]: 2

tgs3[07/21/08 3:58 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: vad hände med peter

ragee[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: 234

tgs3[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: He's too excited about this round to vote on it

MockY[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: haha

MockY[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: 77

Hebbe[07/21/08 3:59 PM ]: verkar så

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:00 PM ]: faithdown 6p

MockY[07/21/08 4:00 PM ]: Kill The Alarm 4p

ragee[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: newton 4p

tgs3[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: Counting Crows 4p

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: Counting Crows 5p

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: kill the alarm 7p

MockY[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: Counting Crows 5p

ragee[07/21/08 4:01 PM ]: kill the alarm 5p

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:02 PM ]: Am I still here?

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: jo

MockY[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: yes

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: ok

ragee[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: sören är lite seg

MockY[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: Theron got disturbed by someone maybe

tgs3[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: Esoterica 6p

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: theron verkar borta

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:03 PM ]: Esoterica 6p

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:04 PM ]: esoterica 8p

MockY[07/21/08 4:04 PM ]: Newton Faulkner 7p

ragee[07/21/08 4:04 PM ]: counting crows 6p

tgs3[07/21/08 4:05 PM ]: Faithdown 8p

tgs3[07/21/08 4:05 PM ]: Sorry for the delays

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:05 PM ]: Kill the Alarm 7p

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:05 PM ]: newton falkner 9p

MockY[07/21/08 4:05 PM ]: Faithdown 8p

ragee[07/21/08 4:06 PM ]: Esoterica 7p

tgs3[07/21/08 4:06 PM ]: Newton Faulkner 9p

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:06 PM ]: Faithdown 8p

MockY[07/21/08 4:06 PM ]: Gick bra för Newton

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:07 PM ]: I know, suprising

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:07 PM ]: you would think it would have won with two 9s

ragee[07/21/08 4:07 PM ]: bara jag som inte gilla dne då

tgs3[07/21/08 4:08 PM ]: Ragee's strategic voting looks to help him here

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:08 PM ]: Yeah, I vote him highest, he votes me lowest

MockY[07/21/08 4:08 PM ]: Dum Nicke

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: 1. faithdown 30p grattis niklas

ragee[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: det är bara peter som stratgi röstar

tgs3[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: I know I should have learned my lesson by now, but no more listening to Adam's input for me ever again. Ever.

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: 2, newton 29p

ragee[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: jag är bara ärlig

ragee[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: lol jag vann haha

ragee[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: var helt säker på att newton vann

tgs3[07/21/08 4:09 PM ]: Congrats to Niklas and Nina both

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:10 PM ]: 3. esoterica 27p påminde om ashes divide

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:10 PM ]: 4. kill the alarm 23p

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:10 PM ]: I could have all the top three 8 points

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:10 PM ]: 5. counting crows 20p

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:10 PM ]: wish I'd chosen differently

MockY[07/21/08 4:11 PM ]: en låt är inte komplett, dock en textfil på den redan

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:11 PM ]: undra vems det kan vara

MockY[07/21/08 4:12 PM ]: uppningen är alltså stängd och för att filen ska vara komplett så måste den uppas igen

tgs3[07/21/08 4:13 PM ]: I guess this round answer this question from Anders: "Peter, why didn't you use Counting Crows?"

ragee[07/21/08 4:13 PM ]: undra om vi skall ändra på detta för det verkar inte bara vara mig detta händer för

MockY[07/21/08 4:13 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:13 PM ]: ha ha, jag är nog den enda som gillar den här cd:n

MockY[07/21/08 4:14 PM ]: tydligt det

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:14 PM ]: actually, I really like Counting Crows as cds to listen to, but when you really start being critical on them, which I had to be on this round, sometimes they come up a little short

tgs3[07/21/08 4:15 PM ]: They're very hot and cold for my tastes

tgs3[07/21/08 4:16 PM ]: I'm not sure what you're talking about, Niklas

ragee[07/21/08 4:17 PM ]: det är ju inte första gången det händer att en låt stannar upp och måse uppas om

MockY[07/21/08 4:17 PM ]: ja, vad pratar han om

MockY[07/21/08 4:17 PM ]: Käkar du roliga svampar därborta?

ragee[07/21/08 4:17 PM ]: blev ju struligt för mig förut när det hängde sig

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:17 PM ]: it's the first time I've seen it happen

ragee[07/21/08 4:18 PM ]: det jag menar är att det kasnke skall bli möjligt att skriva över

MockY[07/21/08 4:18 PM ]: ändrar på det på en gång

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:18 PM ]: Peter will not give up the power

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:18 PM ]: We are not allowed to mess with things

tgs3[07/21/08 4:19 PM ]: I don't think its happened to anyone besides you, Niklas

MockY[07/21/08 4:19 PM ]: Du kan nu göra vad du vill i Nya mappen

tgs3[07/21/08 4:19 PM ]: Peter just needs to delete the one that was short. Not sure why he didn't do that when he announced that it was short

MockY[07/21/08 4:20 PM ]: I figured the uploader would upload it again

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:20 PM ]: I still see the same one I think...

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:20 PM ]: now it's gone

MockY[07/21/08 4:20 PM ]: But now Return is gone

tgs3[07/21/08 4:20 PM ]: But you need to delete it first, or the name needs to be changhed

tgs3[07/21/08 4:21 PM ]: Sure, NOW is it.

tgs3[07/21/08 4:21 PM ]: So its the new one now?

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:21 PM ]: ok, I think people are confused, now there are tow city sleeps

MockY[07/21/08 4:21 PM ]: wtf, 2 City sleeps....better to rename it maybe...

tgs3[07/21/08 4:22 PM ]: No there aren't

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:22 PM ]: ha ha, geez

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:22 PM ]: now there aren't

MockY[07/21/08 4:22 PM ]: I have no idea what people are doing. I guess I'll wait and see till you guys are done with your messing around

MockY[07/21/08 4:22 PM ]:

ragee[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]:

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: I don't really know what Peter's emoticon is doing?

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: you need better ones

MockY[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: giving up

tgs3[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: The City Sleeps thing was me. It was already on the server, so it seems easier to just copy it from there

MockY[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: surrendering

MockY[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: that I agree with

tgs3[07/21/08 4:23 PM ]: I think he's giving up?

MockY[07/21/08 4:24 PM ]: you are more than welcome to find some emoticons as well

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:24 PM ]: return är diskad

tgs3[07/21/08 4:24 PM ]: Cher and Submersed were probably there already, too

MockY[07/21/08 4:24 PM ]: fett med diskning på den

MockY[07/21/08 4:25 PM ]: den återfinns nu i vänliga lådan

tgs3[07/21/08 4:27 PM ]: Sounds a bit like a theme round...

MockY[07/21/08 4:27 PM ]: quality wise?

tgs3[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: Unfortunately, yes

MockY[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: my song kicks ass

MockY[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: so it can't be all the way sir

tgs3[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: Not terrible, but a down turn. For me anyway. This season has been one of the better ones to me

tgs3[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: True, my song kick the usual ass

ragee[07/21/08 4:28 PM ]: nje nu skall jag se en film och sova

ragee[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: cya på torsadag

tgs3[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: g'night

tgs3[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: seeya then

MockY[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: the usual ass....

MockY[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: smelly

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: hejdå niklas

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: byer

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: -r

tgs3[07/21/08 4:29 PM ]: That's what it smells like when your music only reaches the ass of my music!

MockY[07/21/08 4:30 PM ]:

thebrat13n[07/21/08 4:30 PM ]: what is that one?

MockY[07/21/08 4:31 PM ]: after a nuclear blast

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:31 PM ]: jag måste hitta 2 super-låtar för dom sista omgångarna annars är jag körd

tgs3[07/21/08 4:31 PM ]: in my ass

MockY[07/21/08 4:31 PM ]: or comming to close to Theron's stinky ass

tgs3[07/21/08 4:32 PM ]: I feel the same, Anders

MockY[07/21/08 4:32 PM ]: ja me

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:33 PM ]: jag har bara en låt som kommer med på albumet

tgs3[07/21/08 4:33 PM ]: Niklas just won his 3rd straight, didn't he?

MockY[07/21/08 4:33 PM ]: yes he did

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:33 PM ]: jupp

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:34 PM ]: men den har varit på håret alla 3

MockY[07/21/08 4:35 PM ]: Jag undrar hur bra det hade gått för Bye Bye Johnny

tgs3[07/21/08 4:35 PM ]: Yup, he won all three by a total of 1p difference to the next song

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:35 PM ]: 9 eller 10p från mej

MockY[07/21/08 4:36 PM ]: himmel va det händer saker i gästboken

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:36 PM ]: är det party där

MockY[07/21/08 4:37 PM ]: var 4e månad

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:37 PM ]: jaha

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:38 PM ]: inte så svårt att lista ut vem som kör cher

MockY[07/21/08 4:39 PM ]: Jag behöver 12 låter på albumet denna säsong för att gå förbi Anders...känns som "ganska" omöjligt

MockY[07/21/08 4:39 PM ]: Sonny använde henne under många år

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:39 PM ]: ha ha, men du kommer att knapra

MockY[07/21/08 4:40 PM ]: "vi" får väl hoppas det hehe

tgs3[07/21/08 4:40 PM ]: It wasn't that many. And I think it was the other way around

MockY[07/21/08 4:42 PM ]: What do you mean?

MockY[07/21/08 4:42 PM ]: http://www.sotd.se/totals.php

MockY[07/21/08 4:42 PM ]: Anders drog ifrån förra säsongen

tgs3[07/21/08 4:43 PM ]: I was talking about Sonny and Cher...

MockY[07/21/08 4:44 PM ]: ahh

Hebbe[07/21/08 4:50 PM ]: nä, god natt grabbs o flicks

MockY[07/21/08 4:50 PM ]: natti natti

MockY[07/21/08 4:50 PM ]: godis godis

tgs3[07/21/08 4:50 PM ]: g'night

tgs3[07/21/08 4:51 PM ]: too late for tgs3