tgs3[03/06/12 12:02 PM ]: I guess you should change the time on the website, too

tgs3[03/06/12 12:03 PM ]: Also, where's the UK flag?

MockY[03/06/12 12:04 PM ]: It will appear if the guy actually move there

ragee[03/06/12 12:04 PM ]: Hallloooooooj

tgs3[03/06/12 12:05 PM ]: Howdy

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:05 PM ]: jalopa

tgs3[03/06/12 12:05 PM ]: Peter, just to confuse you more, the next 2 weeks after this week WILL be 1:00 in the US because we change our clocks 2 weeks before Europe does

MockY[03/06/12 12:05 PM ]: hoj hoj hoj

MockY[03/06/12 12:05 PM ]: I quit

ragee[03/06/12 12:06 PM ]: oki hej då

ragee[03/06/12 12:07 PM ]: Måste då säga att detta var en väldigt mumsig start på säsongen¨

tgs3[03/06/12 12:08 PM ]: Anders, I know its super late, but we were on a break, so with Oskar a happy 15th birthday for me

tgs3[03/06/12 12:08 PM ]: wish, not with

MockY[03/06/12 12:08 PM ]: 15? Holy flipping shit!

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:09 PM ]: ok

tgs3[03/06/12 12:09 PM ]: Yeah, that's what I think, too, Peter

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:09 PM ]: han tackar

ragee[03/06/12 12:09 PM ]: moppemyndig nu faarligt

MockY[03/06/12 12:09 PM ]: Oskar p[ en moppe...jag har sv[rt att se det av n[gon anledning

MockY[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]: han är ju bara 11 år

MockY[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]:

tgs3[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]: He probably does a lot more crazy skate board type stuff than riding a moped. That's tame for him

tgs3[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]: Hell, I feel like Niklas is still 11 years old

ragee[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]: hahahahahahahaha

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:10 PM ]: hahahahha

ragee[03/06/12 12:11 PM ]: staaaaaaar waaaars

tgs3[03/06/12 12:11 PM ]: exactly

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:11 PM ]: klapp klapp klapp

tgs3[03/06/12 12:11 PM ]: Some how, Johannes passed Niklas in age in the past few years

tgs3[03/06/12 12:13 PM ]: So does Anders start this season on top again?

MockY[03/06/12 12:14 PM ]: hmm

tgs3[03/06/12 12:14 PM ]: I think Anders has been in first place constantly since August...

tgs3[03/06/12 12:15 PM ]: He wins the first round, stays in first, and then wins the season. Sick

MockY[03/06/12 12:15 PM ]: The tide has turned

ragee[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: japp känner att det är min tur nu

MockY[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: Cause he will be fighting hard this season

MockY[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: Cause we all will find better songs than him

tgs3[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: Well, I guess its really one since the start of season 44, so since the middle of September, Anders has been in first place

tgs3[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: Most likely a record

tgs3[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: I wish I had Niklas' confidence

tgs3[03/06/12 12:16 PM ]: And maybe songs

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:17 PM ]: tror att det står ganska öppet för första omgången

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:18 PM ]: jag ger troligen ut för mycket poäng för att det ska gynna mej

MockY[03/06/12 12:19 PM ]: Jäkla jämn säsongsöppning i alla fall

ragee[03/06/12 12:20 PM ]: mm må så vara men det är bara för den är grymt trevlig att lyssna på

tgs3[03/06/12 12:21 PM ]: Let's go for 10 rounds like that

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:21 PM ]: jag måste leta nya artister annars har jag ingen chans

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:22 PM ]: jag har ett nytt band som duger

MockY[03/06/12 12:22 PM ]: Säger det samma

tgs3[03/06/12 12:22 PM ]: According to points given out in the rounds, season 30 is our favorite (when there have been 5 of us)

tgs3[03/06/12 12:22 PM ]: Last season rated pretty high, too

tgs3[03/06/12 12:24 PM ]: Season 30 does have a bunch of good bands/rongs

tgs3[03/06/12 12:24 PM ]: songs

tgs3[03/06/12 12:25 PM ]: I don't have good old band songs either

tgs3[03/06/12 12:26 PM ]: About the same as my new bands - mediocre

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:26 PM ]: my songs suck

tgs3[03/06/12 12:27 PM ]: And the sky is blue...

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:27 PM ]: håller på att bli klent från mina gamla band med

tgs3[03/06/12 12:27 PM ]: Yah! 5 songs before we vote. Excellent work, everyone

MockY[03/06/12 12:28 PM ]: Nina has confidence I see

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:29 PM ]: I'm confident people are not going to like my songs

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:29 PM ]: vi har köpt ny bil idag

tgs3[03/06/12 12:29 PM ]: Hmm. Straight Frank? I'm going to try and find a band called Gay Frank now

ragee[03/06/12 12:29 PM ]: oj oj oj då. Vad blev det

tgs3[03/06/12 12:29 PM ]: yes. details?

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:30 PM ]:!

ragee[03/06/12 12:30 PM ]: haha en anna länk tack

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:30 PM ]: oj borta nu haha

MockY[03/06/12 12:31 PM ]: Vilken fin bill

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:31 PM ]: Volkswagen Passat Variant Tdi Bluemotion 140hk Masters Kombi

MockY[03/06/12 12:31 PM ]: -l

ragee[03/06/12 12:31 PM ]: ser att en radioplåga dykt upp infor nästa runda hehe

MockY[03/06/12 12:31 PM ]: Tyskt

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:32 PM ]: Miljöbil ( skattefri tom 2016-02-29 )ACC/Klimatanläggning, Airbag förare & passagerare, Antisladdsystem, Elhissar fram och bak, Elspeglar, En ägare, Farthållare, Fjärrstyrt c-lås, Färddator, LM-fälgar, Motorvärmare, Rails, Vinterhjul - dubb, Demobil till salu. Dragpaket ( infällbart drag, backkamera, Radio Rcd 510) 3 extraljus Hella 3003

MockY[03/06/12 12:32 PM ]: Vad fick du för Toyotan?

tgs3[03/06/12 12:32 PM ]: cool

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:33 PM ]: fick betala 216 000:-

tgs3[03/06/12 12:33 PM ]: so this?

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:33 PM ]: jo fast silver

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:34 PM ]: och 3 feta extraljus

MockY[03/06/12 12:34 PM ]: viktigt för Lyckselebor

MockY[03/06/12 12:34 PM ]: det ser så coolt ut

tgs3[03/06/12 12:34 PM ]: $31,797.86 USD for the Americans

tgs3[03/06/12 12:35 PM ]: yes, it looks nice

tgs3[03/06/12 12:35 PM ]: NIklas was just too jealous

tgs3[03/06/12 12:35 PM ]: he pissed now

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:35 PM ]: skön att köra, drar lite diesel

tgs3[03/06/12 12:36 PM ]: cool

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:36 PM ]: hoppsan då förstörde man kvällen för Nicke då

tgs3[03/06/12 12:36 PM ]: I probably have the oldest car in the family now...

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:36 PM ]: Sonja still has the Saab

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:36 PM ]: men ändå den finaste

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:37 PM ]: what year is the Jag?

tgs3[03/06/12 12:38 PM ]: 2004

tgs3[03/06/12 12:38 PM ]: Sure, she'll always have the Saab

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:38 PM ]: vi har ju golfen kvar -97

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:38 PM ]: I think Jesse's Toyota is a 2004, but it might be 2005

tgs3[03/06/12 12:39 PM ]: Seems like you got it later, but I don't know for sure. Obviously I'm not really complaining

tgs3[03/06/12 12:39 PM ]: I should have kept the Camaro.. 67!

ragee[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: back

tgs3[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: Shall we vote while NIklas is able to?

MockY[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: sure

MockY[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: 1

ragee[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: ja tack

ragee[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: 467536542363623652423

tgs3[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:40 PM ]: 4

tgs3[03/06/12 12:41 PM ]: Anders must out driving

MockY[03/06/12 12:42 PM ]: Brum brum..

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:42 PM ]: 5

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:42 PM ]: the night watchman 6p

MockY[03/06/12 12:42 PM ]: The Nightwatchman 5p

ragee[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: The Nightwatchman 6p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: The Nightwatchman 4p

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: Malrun 3p

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: young guns 7p

MockY[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: Memory Of A Melody 6p

ragee[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: Memory of A Melody 7p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:43 PM ]: Memory of a Melody 6p

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Memory of a Melody 5p

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: thousand foot krutch 8p

MockY[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 7p

ragee[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Young guns 8p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Malrun 7p

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 6p

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: malrun 9p

MockY[03/06/12 12:44 PM ]: Young Guns 8p

ragee[03/06/12 12:45 PM ]: Malrun 9p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:45 PM ]: Thousand Foot Krutch 8p

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:45 PM ]: Young Guns 7p

MockY[03/06/12 12:45 PM ]: Nina.. thanks for loving my song hahaha 3p...really , funny girl

tgs3[03/06/12 12:45 PM ]: Hmm. Looking pretty tight at the top...

MockY[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: The beauty of sotd

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: 1. young guns 30p grattis theron

tgs3[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: yah!!! FUn round to win

ragee[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: Grattis

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: it was so annoying, I didn't even want to listen to it

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: 2. thousand foot krutch 29p

ragee[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: bra jobbat

ragee[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: tvåa iaf shoohoo

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: 3. malrun 28p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: NIna was quite an outlier this round. A couple of 9's and she maxed out with a 7

MockY[03/06/12 12:46 PM ]: The Swedes disagrees

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:47 PM ]: 4. memory of a melody 24p

thebrat13n[03/06/12 12:47 PM ]: yeah, i was not a fan of this round

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:47 PM ]: 5. the night watchmen 21p

tgs3[03/06/12 12:47 PM ]: Tought round for the last few songs. Most likely would have been more points in a more normal round

tgs3[03/06/12 12:48 PM ]: hmm text files. Haven't seen those in a while...

tgs3[03/06/12 12:49 PM ]: Anders in 4th. This can't last!

tgs3[03/06/12 12:51 PM ]: You can tell Robert is not around any longer. No UK bands won at all in 2011

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:51 PM ]: det är nog inte omöjligt

MockY[03/06/12 12:51 PM ]: I got 2 top points and ended 3rd... ohh my. This season will be hard

tgs3[03/06/12 12:52 PM ]: That is a kick in the gut when that happens .It's usually you doing that shit to me

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:52 PM ]: med 2 nior är den ganska säker till albumet

tgs3[03/06/12 12:52 PM ]: true

ragee[03/06/12 12:53 PM ]: jo väldigt märkligt om den inte hamnar där

MockY[03/06/12 12:53 PM ]: USA hamnade sist denna runda

MockY[03/06/12 12:54 PM ]: Stackars lilla land

ragee[03/06/12 12:54 PM ]: skruttland

Hebbe[03/06/12 12:57 PM ]: jag tror kvallan rasade en del

ragee[03/06/12 12:58 PM ]: jo det gjorde den

ragee[03/06/12 12:58 PM ]: tur att min låt hållar kvallan uppe

MockY[03/06/12 12:58 PM ]: runda 2 brular göra det

MockY[03/06/12 12:58 PM ]: brukar

MockY[03/06/12 12:58 PM ]: min me

tgs3[03/06/12 12:59 PM ]: looks like only a couple USA bands again this round

MockY[03/06/12 1:01 PM ]: Exciting

tgs3[03/06/12 1:02 PM ]: Wonder what season had the least US bankds?

tgs3[03/06/12 1:02 PM ]: Too lazy to figure it out..

tgs3[03/06/12 1:02 PM ]: Going by percentages, probably some season when Robert and NIklas were both in

tgs3[03/06/12 1:02 PM ]: And beofre Nina joined. I guess that narrows down my guess

tgs3[03/06/12 1:05 PM ]: Well, I should probably get going. Thanks for a nice opening win, everyone. See you in 2 days

ragee[03/06/12 1:05 PM ]: yupp cyaaaaa

MockY[03/06/12 1:05 PM ]: bye