Hebbe[05/23/11 1:05 PM ]: jalopa

ragee[05/23/11 1:05 PM ]: sho bre

MockY[05/23/11 1:05 PM ]: oj, du studsade all in

MockY[05/23/11 1:05 PM ]: grejhöjta

MockY[05/23/11 1:05 PM ]: ser ut som om datorn fixade sig själv Anders

ragee[05/23/11 1:06 PM ]: har anders haft problem?

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:06 PM ]: sitter på Anettes dator

tgs3[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: So its still giving you problems

tgs3[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: ?

tgs3[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: Did you try Ubuntu?

MockY[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: Kan skicka ny skiva om du inte hittar den

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: imorgon börjar jag kl 04.00 så om alla håller på att vara klara för röstning skulle jag vara glad

tgs3[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: I'm ready

MockY[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: I'm ready to

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:07 PM ]: I'm ready

MockY[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Klockan 4...fy fan

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: hittade inte skivan, letade så jag höll på att bli galen

tgs3[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: sucks

MockY[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: Då ska jag genast skicka en ny

ragee[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: jag är klar

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: ska upp om knappt 5 timmar

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: 1

MockY[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: 1

tgs3[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:08 PM ]: 2

ragee[05/23/11 1:09 PM ]: 312312

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:09 PM ]: group love 3p

MockY[05/23/11 1:09 PM ]: High Holy Days 3p

ragee[05/23/11 1:09 PM ]: grouplove 4p

tgs3[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Grouplove 4p

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Van Canto 3p

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: sonicult 5p

MockY[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Grouplove 4p

ragee[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: high holy days 5p

tgs3[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: Sonicult 6p

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:10 PM ]: High Holy Days 6p

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:11 PM ]: van canto 6p

MockY[05/23/11 1:11 PM ]: Van Canto 7p

ragee[05/23/11 1:11 PM ]: sonicult 6p

tgs3[05/23/11 1:11 PM ]: Van Canto 7p

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:12 PM ]: Sonicult 8p

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:12 PM ]: high holy days 8p

MockY[05/23/11 1:12 PM ]: Rise Against 8p

ragee[05/23/11 1:12 PM ]: Rise Against 8p

tgs3[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: Rise Against 8p

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: Rise Against 9p

MockY[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: prmenadseger

ragee[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: vilkken vinst 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: Looks like Nina should have used that song

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:13 PM ]: you guys suck

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:14 PM ]: sorry nina men jag kunde inte låta den passera

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:14 PM ]: jag väntade i det längsta

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:14 PM ]: that's not very different than the songs I use.. whatever

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:14 PM ]: 1. rise against 33p

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:14 PM ]: I had already decided not to use them since they get shit on every time I do

ragee[05/23/11 1:15 PM ]: hehehe stackars Nina 

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:15 PM ]: 2. sonicult 25p

ragee[05/23/11 1:15 PM ]: man men även skräpband kan ha en bra låt ibland 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:15 PM ]: Looking at past results, I'd say only the last song really got shit on

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:15 PM ]: 3. van canto 23p

ragee[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: men du rösta ner Van Canto så hårt så rätt åt dig haha

ragee[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: jäkla cool grupp det

MockY[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: håller med

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: 4. high holy days 22p

MockY[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: de kör bas i acapella

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: it's hard to them and Against Me straight in my head, so it seems that get crap score more than they do

MockY[05/23/11 1:16 PM ]: fränt som fan

thebrat13n[05/23/11 1:17 PM ]: Van Canto was a cool idea, but I just wanted them to stop

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:17 PM ]: 5. grouplove 15p

ragee[05/23/11 1:17 PM ]: hahaha

tgs3[05/23/11 1:17 PM ]: cool. but I think a lot of Van Canto would be tiresome

ragee[05/23/11 1:17 PM ]: jo kanske det men de gör det iaf jäkla bra 

MockY[05/23/11 1:19 PM ]: jmen va fan, denna resultatlista är ju sjuk jämn denna säsong

MockY[05/23/11 1:20 PM ]: Finalen blir ju äckligt spännande

tgs3[05/23/11 1:20 PM ]: yup

tgs3[05/23/11 1:20 PM ]: Too bad Nina fell off at the end

MockY[05/23/11 1:21 PM ]: Alla förutom Nina kan vinna

tgs3[05/23/11 1:21 PM ]: And too bad you got 3p for that effort 

MockY[05/23/11 1:21 PM ]: yes it sure was. I thought she was Rise Against though I was suspicious on Grouplove

MockY[05/23/11 1:21 PM ]: haha, not replying to your second statement

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:22 PM ]: då skulle man bara haft en låt till sista omgången då

MockY[05/23/11 1:22 PM ]: precis

MockY[05/23/11 1:22 PM ]: och det har man knapps

MockY[05/23/11 1:23 PM ]: fan, hade varit trevligt med en dödare

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:23 PM ]: ser ut som theron lagt in en smash

tgs3[05/23/11 1:23 PM ]: I tried a bit yesterday, but came up empty

tgs3[05/23/11 1:23 PM ]: Let's hope Anders is right

MockY[05/23/11 1:23 PM ]: haha

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:24 PM ]: själv måste jag köra en ny artist

tgs3[05/23/11 1:24 PM ]: I haven't paid attention to that for others. I guess you're forced to

MockY[05/23/11 1:25 PM ]: jag med

MockY[05/23/11 1:25 PM ]: tror jag

tgs3[05/23/11 1:25 PM ]: Looks like Peter does, too

tgs3[05/23/11 1:25 PM ]: ah, yes, I agree 

MockY[05/23/11 1:26 PM ]: yup, I was forced to

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:27 PM ]: ser ut som om nicke dödade den smashen

ragee[05/23/11 1:27 PM ]: kanske, kanske inte 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:28 PM ]: a 3-time album winner does have to be a favorite

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:28 PM ]: robert är igång och matar

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:29 PM ]: kan nån lägga in min låt

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:29 PM ]: honor by august - good enough

tgs3[05/23/11 1:30 PM ]: Good enough for what?

MockY[05/23/11 1:30 PM ]: lol

MockY[05/23/11 1:30 PM ]: har du den i ditt privata konto?

MockY[05/23/11 1:30 PM ]: eller mpste man tanka hem?

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:31 PM ]: förhoppningsvis för sista omgången

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:31 PM ]: vet inte

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:31 PM ]: kommer inte in där längre

tgs3[05/23/11 1:31 PM ]: I found it.. I'll have it downloaded in a couple of minutes, then I'll upload

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:32 PM ]: tack

MockY[05/23/11 1:32 PM ]: Tydligen gav du upp utan att ens fråga om hjälp 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:32 PM ]: Or Peter can look in Anders' ftp, but that might be tough to do without seeing things he shouldn't

tgs3[05/23/11 1:32 PM ]: I think he means he can't login from Anette's computer

MockY[05/23/11 1:32 PM ]: yeah, I rather not poke my head in there

MockY[05/23/11 1:33 PM ]: makes sense

MockY[05/23/11 1:33 PM ]: but I don't think so though

tgs3[05/23/11 1:33 PM ]: Yeah, you might be right

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:33 PM ]: funkade ett tag men don senaste veckorna kommer jag inte in alls

tgs3[05/23/11 1:34 PM ]: magic fairies must have messed it up

MockY[05/23/11 1:34 PM ]: Så snart du fått igång din vanliga apparat så ska vi se till att få igång det igen

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:35 PM ]: och nu har jag inte ens en dator med ftp, får fara förbi robert och tanka

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]: nä god natt, det verkar bli en 4 timmars natt i natt 

MockY[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]: uj uj uj

MockY[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]: gå och lägg dig farfar 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]:ftp://www.sotd.se:28/Nya/

tgs3[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]: Copy that into your browser, Anders. Enter your login name and paswword

tgs3[05/23/11 1:36 PM ]: And you'll be able to download

tgs3[05/23/11 1:38 PM ]: Oh well. He'll never know. 

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:38 PM ]: händer inte mycket där

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:39 PM ]: 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.4 for WinSock ready... 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 331 User name okay, need password. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 530 Not logged in. 421 Maximum session time exceeded - closing.

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:39 PM ]: blev det

tgs3[05/23/11 1:39 PM ]: ??

ragee[05/23/11 1:39 PM ]: natii natii

tgs3[05/23/11 1:39 PM ]: Its even easier if you do in a folder rather than the browser, but both work

Hebbe[05/23/11 1:40 PM ]: god natt

tgs3[05/23/11 1:40 PM ]: hmm

MockY[05/23/11 1:40 PM ]: username: sotd

MockY[05/23/11 1:40 PM ]: Password: sotdsweden

tgs3[05/23/11 1:40 PM ]: Worked fine when I tried it in both a browser and a folder

MockY[05/23/11 1:41 PM ]: ska plocak bort det ur chatloggen sen 

MockY[05/23/11 1:41 PM ]: ahh, försent

tgs3[05/23/11 1:41 PM ]: It's hard to teach 90 year olds the internets

MockY[05/23/11 1:42 PM ]: I think it would be easir with a 90 year old than Anders

MockY[05/23/11 1:42 PM ]: 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:42 PM ]: It's hard to beliebe, but Anders is younger than me and actually had more computer experience until about age 22

tgs3[05/23/11 1:42 PM ]: Maybe age 18 when I got to college

tgs3[05/23/11 1:43 PM ]: He did more Amiga/Commodore stuff than I ever did when we were younger

tgs3[05/23/11 1:43 PM ]: I wonder how I'll be as an old man using the newest 3D virtual browser

tgs3[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: I feel fairly confident I'll keep up with technology until senilty hits

MockY[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: true, but the computer skills necessary was basically limited to inserting a floppy

tgs3[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: My 61 year old father was more up on it in 1994 than Anders is now. 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: You had to type "Run"

MockY[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: Could you cut the Disturbed song. It's double as far as I can hear

tgs3[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: That's practically command line hacking right there!

MockY[05/23/11 1:44 PM ]: Or maybe my player went all coco

tgs3[05/23/11 1:45 PM ]: seems fine on mine

MockY[05/23/11 1:45 PM ]: itäs terrible here

MockY[05/23/11 1:45 PM ]: fast forward to the end

MockY[05/23/11 1:46 PM ]: it loops and its much slower, making David sound 90 years old

tgs3[05/23/11 1:46 PM ]: hmm. I see the problem. I'll see what I can do

MockY[05/23/11 1:46 PM ]: After the first listen of all the songs, Iäm pretty confident I wont even get a medal this season

tgs3[05/23/11 1:48 PM ]: You are rarely correct when you say stuff like that

tgs3[05/23/11 1:48 PM ]: You won the round the last time I heard you say that

MockY[05/23/11 1:48 PM ]: let's hope I'm wrong then

tgs3[05/23/11 1:49 PM ]: no

tgs3[05/23/11 1:49 PM ]: I don't know about Niklas (or Anette ), but we could have voted a couple of hours ago if Anders had just said something

tgs3[05/23/11 1:49 PM ]: I fixed the Disturbed song for whoever uploaded it

MockY[05/23/11 1:50 PM ]: cool

MockY[05/23/11 1:50 PM ]: I could have voted at 7am 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:50 PM ]: seems like a good final round

tgs3[05/23/11 1:50 PM ]: me, too

ragee[05/23/11 1:51 PM ]: jag hade nog inte kunnat rösta så mycket tidiagar

ragee[05/23/11 1:51 PM ]: tror jag kom online 21:20

ragee[05/23/11 1:52 PM ]: men men nu på torsdag kan jag tidgit 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:52 PM ]: And you were busy before that?

ragee[05/23/11 1:52 PM ]: yes jobbat

tgs3[05/23/11 1:52 PM ]: Oh well, he didn't try, so it doesn't matter

tgs3[05/23/11 1:52 PM ]: I think we're a little fucked for album voting

tgs3[05/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Swedish visitors and trips are all coming up

tgs3[05/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Nina, how long is your layover in Chicago? 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:53 PM ]: Too bad the long one is one the way back, not going there

ragee[05/23/11 1:53 PM ]: hmm ok måste ju finnas något datum som passar

tgs3[05/23/11 1:54 PM ]: Depends if Nina wants to vote the day before she leaves for Sweden, the 12th of June

tgs3[05/23/11 1:54 PM ]: I could see her being against that. 

tgs3[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: Or is Martin still here then?

MockY[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: yup

MockY[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: and I wont be ready then

MockY[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: since I wont even listen to the tunes during his stay

tgs3[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: maybe he leaves the 14th

tgs3[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: Pretty lame

tgs3[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: of Peter

MockY[05/23/11 1:55 PM ]: 13th

tgs3[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: I'm beginning to think you should have married Martin instead of Diana

tgs3[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: Ah, so he leaves the same day as Nina then

MockY[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: I will spare them SOTD

ragee[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: fan väldigt osäkert detta

tgs3[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: I thought it was a day earlier for some reason

MockY[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: I'm not going of to do SOTD when I have visitor, wheather that being Martin, or Prince Albert

ragee[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: jag reser ju i slovakien 8-15 juni

tgs3[05/23/11 1:56 PM ]: tgs3[1:55:30 PM]: Pretty lame

ragee[05/23/11 1:57 PM ]: och sen 16-19 är jag på festival'

MockY[05/23/11 1:57 PM ]: sure

tgs3[05/23/11 1:57 PM ]: I understand not wanting to do an album vote with visitors, but just listening to music doesn't seem like much

tgs3[05/23/11 1:57 PM ]: So we're not going to see you in Sweden this year, Niklas?

MockY[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: Listening is fine. Organizing the list is a different matter

tgs3[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: You have the next 4 days 

ragee[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: tror inte det. men vi ses ju desto mer nästa år 

MockY[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: I need dedicated time for that, and I wont do that with visitords, regardless who they are. Same goes for vacation somewhere else

tgs3[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: I realize you're not as cool as me. Don't sweat it. 

MockY[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: I wish

tgs3[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: I know 

MockY[05/23/11 1:58 PM ]: Some dude with a fish fetish wants his pet to be updated

tgs3[05/23/11 1:59 PM ]: Oskar?

MockY[05/23/11 1:59 PM ]: or water creature

tgs3[05/23/11 1:59 PM ]: How do you update him?

MockY[05/23/11 1:59 PM ]: hormones

tgs3[05/23/11 1:59 PM ]: ah

MockY[05/23/11 2:00 PM ]: So Oskar is Anders' pet haha

tgs3[05/23/11 2:00 PM ]: For the record, I'm fine voting in Sweden,but i obviously have no idea what my schedule is over there at the moment

tgs3[05/23/11 2:00 PM ]: I was easier when Robert was here and I was in charge of the schedule

tgs3[05/23/11 2:01 PM ]: Sounds like Niklas can't vote when I'm in Sweden anyway

tgs3[05/23/11 2:01 PM ]: Or at least the first part when Nina is also there

MockY[05/23/11 2:02 PM ]: Sounds like a long break from SOTD

MockY[05/23/11 2:02 PM ]: maybe something people needs anyway

ragee[05/23/11 2:02 PM ]: nje har rätt så fullt upp i juni

ragee[05/23/11 2:03 PM ]: jag hade iaf hoppats med att hinna med en säsong till innan jag verkligen lär hoppa av sotd för ett tag

tgs3[05/23/11 2:03 PM ]: Maybe

tgs3[05/23/11 2:03 PM ]: And when is that?

ragee[05/23/11 2:03 PM ]: någon gång i början på oktober

MockY[05/23/11 2:04 PM ]: Du har inget annat för dig hos morsan endå, så du kan ju lix fortsätta med SOTD

ragee[05/23/11 2:04 PM ]: har inte räknat med att ha så mycket tillgång till internet när jag är i norge

tgs3[05/23/11 2:06 PM ]: We should certainly be able to bang out at least one season from Jul-Sept

tgs3[05/23/11 2:06 PM ]: But probably not more than that

tgs3[05/23/11 2:06 PM ]: I guess you can always do it in Norway if you find out you're wrong. 

tgs3[05/23/11 2:06 PM ]: But I guess we'll be prepared to be 4 for a while

tgs3[05/23/11 2:06 PM ]: If Anders stays

tgs3[05/23/11 2:07 PM ]: Me Nina and Peter and do one round every night if we lose all the Swedes 

ragee[05/23/11 2:07 PM ]: va har anders tänkt lägga av?

tgs3[05/23/11 2:07 PM ]: He's been talking negatively about SOTD lately.

tgs3[05/23/11 2:07 PM ]: But I guess it's just negative about everything for him lately

tgs3[05/23/11 2:07 PM ]: I might just be reading too much into what he says

MockY[05/23/11 2:08 PM ]: I think he is generally tired of everything where he needs to use hius brain, or spend time on outside fishing and kids

MockY[05/23/11 2:08 PM ]: he just needs a relaxing vacation

MockY[05/23/11 2:09 PM ]: to many balls rolling at once for him

ragee[05/23/11 2:09 PM ]: ja så denna paus behövs nog 

tgs3[05/23/11 2:10 PM ]: I think its interesting that you put "kids" in the relaxing side of the equation

tgs3[05/23/11 2:10 PM ]: We'll see if you do that in a year or two

MockY[05/23/11 2:12 PM ]: I did not

MockY[05/23/11 2:12 PM ]: All I said was that he needs one

MockY[05/23/11 2:12 PM ]: and I assume that is excluding the kids based on how he's been lately

tgs3[05/23/11 2:12 PM ]: You said he's tired of anything not fishing or kids. I thikn only one of those is true.

tgs3[05/23/11 2:13 PM ]: Fuck, if fishing was my joy, I'd be going crazy, too. 

MockY[05/23/11 2:13 PM ]: I tossed in klids into that because it's more politically correct not to say youre depressed dur to your children

MockY[05/23/11 2:13 PM ]: He will never get tired of Fishing, so that one is true

tgs3[05/23/11 2:14 PM ]: Even I wouldn't go that far, but 2 young ones certainly don't help a stress level I would guess

MockY[05/23/11 2:14 PM ]: I don't think even a half a kid would be beneficial for your stress

tgs3[05/23/11 2:18 PM ]: I think there's a HUGE diffence between 1 and 3

tgs3[05/23/11 2:18 PM ]: well, I gotta work, Seeya Niklas. Fuck off and die, Peter