MockY[03/15/10 4:10 PM ]: ...

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:10 PM ]: I saw Niklas sign in on MSN

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:10 PM ]: So, he's around.

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:11 PM ]: Theron went running, you know how that is...

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:11 PM ]: Anders probably fell asleep

MockY[03/15/10 4:12 PM ]: hehe, just making sure I was still online

tgs3[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: And I thought you'd all be cursing my name

tgs3[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: Shit, I just realized voting is still 45 minutes away

tgs3[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: And I was hurrying to get back...

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: oh yeah, they're on different time than us

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: I never remember that

MockY[03/15/10 4:13 PM ]: for a month right?

tgs3[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]:

tgs3[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: 2 more weeks

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: I would have managed by time differently if I'd remembered that.

MockY[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: ahh, ok

thebrat13n[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: oh well

MockY[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: thought it was more

tgs3[03/15/10 4:14 PM ]: Yeah, I didn't think of it until they weren't here

MockY[03/15/10 4:16 PM ]: good, because I just found a new band I might use. Need time to check it out

tgs3[03/15/10 4:19 PM ]: lucky you

MockY[03/15/10 4:28 PM ]: Turned out to be pretty mediocre :(

tgs3[03/15/10 4:37 PM ]: You have 23 minute to find something else

MockY[03/15/10 5:01 PM ]: ...

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:01 PM ]: you're still here

MockY[03/15/10 5:01 PM ]: cool

ragee[03/15/10 5:01 PM ]: Tjupp

MockY[03/15/10 5:02 PM ]: hej hej

tgs3[03/15/10 5:02 PM ]: hello

ragee[03/15/10 5:03 PM ]: lääääget?

MockY[03/15/10 5:04 PM ]: ba fiiiint

MockY[03/15/10 5:04 PM ]: har Anders somnat igen

ragee[03/15/10 5:05 PM ]: dont know

MockY[03/15/10 5:08 PM ]: Överaskande bra runda

MockY[03/15/10 5:08 PM ]: tycker jag

tgs3[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]: A surrpise only for a hater like you

tgs3[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]:

ragee[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]: jasså det säger du hmmmm

MockY[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]: haha

tgs3[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]: The expected high quality of SOTD

MockY[03/15/10 5:09 PM ]: you might be correct in that lol

MockY[03/15/10 5:10 PM ]: Either way, it was a very pleasant round

tgs3[03/15/10 5:10 PM ]: I guess we'll know soon if we all agree with you

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: Are people ready to vote?

tgs3[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: I am

MockY[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: I am

tgs3[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: not a lot of talk today it apopears

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: verkar inte så

MockY[03/15/10 5:14 PM ]: the Swedes are quiet...

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:15 PM ]: alla håller på med sina grejjer

MockY[03/15/10 5:15 PM ]: Hebbe-Monster!!!

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:15 PM ]: They just got here, we've been getting ready for an hour

tgs3[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: Yes, it seems very late to us Americans

tgs3[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: Can people vote an hour early next Monday?

tgs3[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: I'll try to send out a reminder this weekend if people are OK with that

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: när behöver du vara klar?

MockY[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: I am

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:16 PM ]: are you talking to the Swedes?

MockY[03/15/10 5:17 PM ]: So 1pm for us

tgs3[03/15/10 5:17 PM ]: I'm talking to the Swedes

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:17 PM ]: ok

tgs3[03/15/10 5:17 PM ]: Nina and I need to be done by the usual voting time next Monday

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:19 PM ]: jag brukar läsa för oskar mellan 21.00 och 21.30

tgs3[03/15/10 5:20 PM ]: Which is why I'm asking about it

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:20 PM ]: 21:30 should be fine if everyone is ready to vote when we get in

tgs3[03/15/10 5:20 PM ]: So we can vote at 21.30, and actually be ready to vote then

tgs3[03/15/10 5:20 PM ]: Or we can skip Monday

tgs3[03/15/10 5:21 PM ]: Or do it Tuesday

tgs3[03/15/10 5:21 PM ]: I agree with 21.30 being alright if everyone is ready to go then

ragee[03/15/10 5:21 PM ]: jag tycker det låter opk

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:23 PM ]: jag är klar för röstning 21.30 på måndag

tgs3[03/15/10 5:24 PM ]: cool

ragee[03/15/10 5:24 PM ]: mej mä tror jag

ragee[03/15/10 5:24 PM ]: är i slovakien och ledig så

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:26 PM ]: när emigrerar du?

MockY[03/15/10 5:26 PM ]: lol

MockY[03/15/10 5:26 PM ]: undrar jag med

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:27 PM ]: svår röstning idag

MockY[03/15/10 5:27 PM ]: tryckte det var enklet för en gångs skull

MockY[03/15/10 5:27 PM ]: enkelt*

ragee[03/15/10 5:27 PM ]: mm

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:28 PM ]: 3 av dom var jämn

tgs3[03/15/10 5:28 PM ]: The points took me a while to get clear, but the order was relatively easy

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:28 PM ]: jag är klar om 5 min

tgs3[03/15/10 5:30 PM ]: peaking ahead to round 7 already. Sounds promising...

MockY[03/15/10 5:30 PM ]: it does indeed

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:33 PM ]: ja é klar

ragee[03/15/10 5:34 PM ]: inte säker på min ordning

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:34 PM ]: nä nu ändrar jag mej

tgs3[03/15/10 5:35 PM ]:

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:35 PM ]: nu e ja klar

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:35 PM ]: vi måste rösta annars ändrar jag mej igen

MockY[03/15/10 5:35 PM ]: hehe

ragee[03/15/10 5:36 PM ]: haha ge mig 5min

ragee[03/15/10 5:37 PM ]: nej fasn det blir ite bättre än så här så jag säger klar

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:37 PM ]: det är skönt att höra att det inte är bara don vanliga modern rock låtarna den här omgången

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:37 PM ]: dom

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:38 PM ]: 1

tgs3[03/15/10 5:38 PM ]: Yeah, they go a bit away from that today

tgs3[03/15/10 5:38 PM ]: 2

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:38 PM ]: 2

MockY[03/15/10 5:38 PM ]: 5

ragee[03/15/10 5:39 PM ]: 24234

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:39 PM ]: the almost 5p

MockY[03/15/10 5:39 PM ]: For The Taking 3p

ragee[03/15/10 5:39 PM ]: for the taking 5p

ragee[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: menar 4p

ragee[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: sorry

tgs3[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: For The Taking 5p

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: For the Taking 3p

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: kidnap kings 7p

MockY[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: The Almost 7p

ragee[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: The Almost 5p

tgs3[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: The Almost 6p

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:40 PM ]: Kidnap Kings 5p

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:41 PM ]: wayne jackson 8p

MockY[03/15/10 5:41 PM ]: Kidnap Kings 8p

ragee[03/15/10 5:41 PM ]: kidnap kings 6p

tgs3[03/15/10 5:41 PM ]: Last Amanda 8p

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:41 PM ]: Wayne Jackson 7p

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:42 PM ]: last amanda 9p

MockY[03/15/10 5:42 PM ]: Wayne Jackson 10p

ragee[03/15/10 5:42 PM ]: Last Amanda 7p

tgs3[03/15/10 5:42 PM ]: Wayne Jackson 9p

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:42 PM ]: Last Amanda 8p

ragee[03/15/10 5:43 PM ]: oj oj fin poäng från peter

MockY[03/15/10 5:43 PM ]: Nicke, du hitta då en höjdarlåt

ragee[03/15/10 5:43 PM ]: mm I know

ragee[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: about time haha

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: 1. wayne jackson 34p grattis nicke

MockY[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: grattis!

tgs3[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: congrats

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: 2. last amanda 32p

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: 3. kidnap kings 26p

tgs3[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: Peter, you're supposed to come in 3rd

thebrat13n[03/15/10 5:44 PM ]: good job


Hebbe[03/15/10 5:45 PM ]: 4. the almost 23p

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:45 PM ]: 5. for the taking 15p

MockY[03/15/10 5:45 PM ]: feels good not to for once

ragee[03/15/10 5:46 PM ]: fan va fint att vinna igen

ragee[03/15/10 5:46 PM ]: vad är det som händer haha

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:46 PM ]: lika säker som min seger var förra gången, lika säker var min sistaplats den här gången

tgs3[03/15/10 5:46 PM ]: Pretty much

tgs3[03/15/10 5:47 PM ]: The last For The Taking song was definitely better

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:48 PM ]: tycker jag med men den var betydligt bättre än dom här poängen, men det var bra låtar idag

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:48 PM ]: 3p = dålig

tgs3[03/15/10 5:49 PM ]: Yeah, 15p is about as low as it gets for you

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:51 PM ]: saknas en låt

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:51 PM ]: kul att se greenwheel göra comeback i sotd

tgs3[03/15/10 5:52 PM ]: It's been a while

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:52 PM ]: skulle vilja ha hela den plattan

MockY[03/15/10 5:52 PM ]: Det är jämt i topp

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:52 PM ]: den finns inte i arkivet

MockY[03/15/10 5:52 PM ]: skoj

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: jag ligger sist

MockY[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: mjo, du gör det

tgs3[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: Yes you do

MockY[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: Hur känns det?

MockY[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]:

tgs3[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: Looks weird

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: funderar på hur jag ska komma där ifrån

tgs3[03/15/10 5:53 PM ]: I'm glad I'm in first, because I'm having some regrets over the song I used this round

tgs3[03/15/10 5:54 PM ]: You have 4 rounds and are only 1p away from 4th

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:54 PM ]: scorpions sista platta

tgs3[03/15/10 5:54 PM ]: But there's starting to be a gap to the front 3 now...

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:54 PM ]: jag kommer att nolla på omg 8

tgs3[03/15/10 5:55 PM ]: I'm not feeling great about round 8 either

tgs3[03/15/10 5:55 PM ]: "scorpions sista platta" - we'll see

MockY[03/15/10 5:55 PM ]: It actually is

tgs3[03/15/10 5:55 PM ]: Kiss has retired several times in the last 10 years

tgs3[03/15/10 5:55 PM ]: Did they all die?

tgs3[03/15/10 5:56 PM ]: How can it "actually" be?

MockY[03/15/10 5:56 PM ]: Itäs more believable than the case with Kiss for some reason

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:56 PM ]: dom har gått ut med det

MockY[03/15/10 5:58 PM ]: Mainly because I don't think they have claimed it before

MockY[03/15/10 5:58 PM ]: grr darn ä

tgs3[03/15/10 5:58 PM ]: Sure, I realize they're saying this. And they probably mean it, but musicians and athletes tend to have a hard time retiring

MockY[03/15/10 5:58 PM ]: especially musicians

Hebbe[03/15/10 5:59 PM ]: jag tror jag läste att rudolf skulle göra nått ihop med sin bror och att klaus skulle vara med på ett hörn, men det återstår att se

MockY[03/15/10 5:59 PM ]: det är ju fortfarande Scorpions

MockY[03/15/10 6:00 PM ]: Michael lirade väl på typ 2-3 plattor med Scorpions

tgs3[03/15/10 6:00 PM ]: I guess. I think for most people, they might as well have retired 15 years ago

MockY[03/15/10 6:00 PM ]: that is sadly very true

Hebbe[03/15/10 6:01 PM ]: ett par har han varit med på i alla fall

MockY[03/15/10 6:01 PM ]: precis

MockY[03/15/10 6:01 PM ]: så det blir Scorpions minus trummis

Hebbe[03/15/10 6:01 PM ]: lovedrive tror jag

MockY[03/15/10 6:01 PM ]: och Love Bites

MockY[03/15/10 6:02 PM ]: Taken by Force menar jag

Hebbe[03/15/10 6:02 PM ]: jag tror det var animal magnetism

MockY[03/15/10 6:03 PM ]:

MockY[03/15/10 6:03 PM ]: Lonesome Crow och Lovedrive tydligen

tgs3[03/15/10 6:03 PM ]: So Lovedrive

MockY[03/15/10 6:04 PM ]:

Hebbe[03/15/10 6:04 PM ]: det är några plator emellan

tgs3[03/15/10 6:08 PM ]: That probably wasn't on purpose, but it's time to go. Goodbye all

MockY[03/15/10 6:08 PM ]: good bye all

MockY[03/15/10 6:08 PM ]: I shall go back to bed

ragee[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: bye bye

ragee[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: troligt

ragee[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: well I will

MockY[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: so will I

MockY[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: puss och kram

Hebbe[03/15/10 6:09 PM ]: han ligger inte på latsidan