tgs3[03/30/09 4:01 PM ]: And I thought we were late....

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:02 PM ]: you are, but not later than others

MockY[03/30/09 4:02 PM ]: good

tgs3[03/30/09 4:03 PM ]: Won't be a shock if Niklas' wireless option falls apart

tgs3[03/30/09 4:03 PM ]: At least he's trying....

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:03 PM ]: yup

MockY[03/30/09 4:03 PM ]: At least he says he is

tgs3[03/30/09 4:04 PM ]:

tgs3[03/30/09 4:07 PM ]: RAGS!!!

MockY[03/30/09 4:07 PM ]: The wonders of wirelss....

ragee[03/30/09 4:08 PM ]: yo y yo

MockY[03/30/09 4:08 PM ]:

ragee[03/30/09 4:08 PM ]: fett nice att sambon hade fått med ett usb-modem när han köpte datorn

MockY[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]: han...sambo.....hmmm whatever floats your boat

MockY[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]:

ragee[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]: polarn jag delar lägenhet med då

MockY[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]: fniss

MockY[03/30/09 4:09 PM ]: -ss +zz

tgs3[03/30/09 4:10 PM ]: So how was Slovakia? I don't think we asked last chat.

MockY[03/30/09 4:10 PM ]: and where are the pictures?

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: Happy Birthday!

ragee[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: tog inga bilder denna gång men jag ska nästa gång

tgs3[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: Oh yeah. Happy 23!

ragee[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: det var skit trevligt

ragee[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: danke

MockY[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: Och ha den äran ja....skickade email till dig igår natt

MockY[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: ser inga Slovakienbilder

MockY[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: :(

ragee[03/30/09 4:11 PM ]: dock var hennes kvarter bland det värsta jag sett

ragee[03/30/09 4:12 PM ]: fy fan va jag avskyr zigenare efter att jag vart där

ragee[03/30/09 4:12 PM ]: jävla skadedjur är vad det är

MockY[03/30/09 4:12 PM ]: Rädd för det okända hör jag....låter som din storebroder

MockY[03/30/09 4:12 PM ]: lol

ragee[03/30/09 4:13 PM ]: okända

ragee[03/30/09 4:13 PM ]: jag såg ju ffs med egnaögon

ragee[03/30/09 4:13 PM ]: äkliga varelser

MockY[03/30/09 4:13 PM ]: mjo, men det du har inga runt din lägenhet

MockY[03/30/09 4:14 PM ]: därav okändt

MockY[03/30/09 4:14 PM ]: -d

ragee[03/30/09 4:14 PM ]: nej men en jävla massa runt hennes

tgs3[03/30/09 4:14 PM ]: Good old xenophobia..

ragee[03/30/09 4:15 PM ]: jag ska ta kort näst gång så ska ni f se va ag menar

tgs3[03/30/09 4:15 PM ]: Maybe time to call the Red One?

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:16 PM ]: he just popped up on my msn

tgs3[03/30/09 4:16 PM ]: ok

MockY[03/30/09 4:16 PM ]: he is having issues loggin to the chat for some reason

tgs3[03/30/09 4:16 PM ]: LIke that's a new thing?

MockY[03/30/09 4:19 PM ]: He is at my moms and using Internet Explorer

MockY[03/30/09 4:19 PM ]: SIGH!!!!!!!!!

tgs3[03/30/09 4:19 PM ]: She has Firefox. I logged on fine with it when I was there

tgs3[03/30/09 4:20 PM ]: Bibbi has a decent connection. At least when I've been there

MockY[03/30/09 4:20 PM ]: That is what I am trying to tell him

MockY[03/30/09 4:20 PM ]: but he seems confused

tgs3[03/30/09 4:20 PM ]: I had some trouble getting my laptop connected there, but her computer should be fine

MockY[03/30/09 4:21 PM ]: It seems like he have no idea that you can surf the internet with anything other than IE

MockY[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: Hebbster

ragee[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: yo hebster

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: gick bättre med firefox

MockY[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: hehe

MockY[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: What a shocker

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:22 PM ]: det fanns på datorn

MockY[03/30/09 4:23 PM ]: då är allt fridfullt

tgs3[03/30/09 4:23 PM ]: You're not the first to vote from Bibbi's computer

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:24 PM ]: jag vet, dom flesta har nog röstat härifrån

MockY[03/30/09 4:24 PM ]: and probably not the last

MockY[03/30/09 4:28 PM ]: I am soooo craving a Guacamole 6 Dollar Burger from CarlsJr

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:28 PM ]: vilken ftp använder vi här då?

MockY[03/30/09 4:28 PM ]: explorer mest troligt

MockY[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: Theron vet mer än mig dock eftersom jag aldrig använt hennes dator

tgs3[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: I'm pretty sure Peter is right.

tgs3[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: I think I used Explorer

ragee[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: mej mä

tgs3[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: But it wouldn't surprise me if I shoved Flashfxp on there some where

MockY[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: högerklicka på start knappen och välj Utforska

MockY[03/30/09 4:29 PM ]: skriv sen dit detta:

MockY[03/30/09 4:30 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 4:30 PM ]: det tar dig till servern

MockY[03/30/09 4:32 PM ]: Framgång?

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:33 PM ]: start menyn?

MockY[03/30/09 4:33 PM ]: startknappen

ragee[03/30/09 4:33 PM ]: varför intebara starta IE

MockY[03/30/09 4:33 PM ]: längst ner till vänster

ragee[03/30/09 4:33 PM ]: funkar ju lika bra

ragee[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]: enklare för hanatt fatta

MockY[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]: samma motor

MockY[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]: vad är det för svårt med att högerklicka på start och välj Utforska?

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]: var ska jag skriva nånstans då

MockY[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]: i adressfältet högst upp

MockY[03/30/09 4:34 PM ]:

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:35 PM ]: kom inte fram något adressfält alls

ragee[03/30/09 4:36 PM ]: starta Internet Explorer

MockY[03/30/09 4:36 PM ]: högt upp ska det finnas en lång ruta du kan skriva saker och ting i

ragee[03/30/09 4:37 PM ]: och skriv i adressfältet

ragee[03/30/09 4:37 PM ]: så inte så svårt

tgs3[03/30/09 4:37 PM ]: Yeah, I agree with Niklas. IE is easier way to go

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:39 PM ]: lösenord?

MockY[03/30/09 4:39 PM ]: glömsk på äldre dar?

MockY[03/30/09 4:39 PM ]:

tgs3[03/30/09 4:41 PM ]: Not that I think there's much risk of anyone scanning this chat log, but you might was to erase the login and password when you put this chat log on the web, Peter

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:41 PM ]: skriver aldrig dom där grejjerna

MockY[03/30/09 4:42 PM ]: I will

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:42 PM ]: hur uppar jag i en ftp-katalog

MockY[03/30/09 4:43 PM ]: vad betyder det?

tgs3[03/30/09 4:43 PM ]: haha

tgs3[03/30/09 4:43 PM ]: I was wondering that, too

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:44 PM ]: nån kan ju få lägga in min låt om nån vill

MockY[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: ??

ragee[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: copy and past

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: yeah, going thru explorer is better then

MockY[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: dra in låten du vill uppa till Nya mappen

ragee[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: inte så jäkla vårt det inte

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:45 PM ]: ok

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:46 PM ]: actually, I meant the start menu, not IE

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:46 PM ]: it atleast still looks normal there

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:48 PM ]: går inte att klistra in

MockY[03/30/09 4:49 PM ]: Låter som om att hon har Internet Explorer 7 installerat

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:49 PM ]: when I went there, I didn't see a clear way to import either

MockY[03/30/09 4:49 PM ]: You have to change the display settings for it to work in IE7

MockY[03/30/09 4:50 PM ]: Klicka på Sida (Page) och sen välj att öppna FTP site i Utforskaren

MockY[03/30/09 4:50 PM ]: vilket jag rådde dig att använda först

tgs3[03/30/09 4:51 PM ]: Yeah, I forgot the newer IE versions don't go to Explorer automatically for ftp. I guess Peter's way was better

MockY[03/30/09 4:51 PM ]: Det sätt som Niklas och Theron ville att du skulle använda funkar inte med IE7

MockY[03/30/09 4:51 PM ]: Always

tgs3[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: a first for everything.

MockY[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: right...

MockY[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: så ta nu och högerklicka på Start knappen och välj Utforskaren

ragee[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: föresten är alla klara med sina poäng?

MockY[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: skriv i adressen högst upp i adressfältet

MockY[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: och sen Enter

tgs3[03/30/09 4:52 PM ]: Maybe search for "flash" or "ftp". It might find something easy to use

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:53 PM ]: I'm ready

tgs3[03/30/09 4:53 PM ]: I'm ready

MockY[03/30/09 4:53 PM ]: jag behöver 3 minuter

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:54 PM ]: ja men ta och skicka in "placebo - battle for the sun" så slipper jag tjaffsa sen kan peter fixa till morsans dator i sommar så det funkar på normalt vis

MockY[03/30/09 4:54 PM ]: normalt vis?

thebrat13n[03/30/09 4:54 PM ]: that works too

MockY[03/30/09 4:54 PM ]: den funkar ju som en dator trodde jag

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:55 PM ]: jobbigt för en fiskodlare som inte fattar sig på sånt här

MockY[03/30/09 4:55 PM ]: I guess what you meant was to add FlashFXP and be done with it.

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:56 PM ]: hade ju gått enklare

tgs3[03/30/09 4:56 PM ]: Bibbi doesn't like "weird" stuff on her computer, so I might have deleted it

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:56 PM ]: jag tänker inte sitta här nu och lägga in nya program på morsans dator

tgs3[03/30/09 4:57 PM ]: Of course, she only sees stuff on her desktop, so I might have hid it somewhere she won't see it

MockY[03/30/09 4:57 PM ]: eller du kanske skulle leka runt med datorn lite mer än att bara skriva brev i Word ocg porrsurfa

MockY[03/30/09 4:57 PM ]: "weird" stuff...and she sits with Incredimail

MockY[03/30/09 4:57 PM ]: hahah

Hebbe[03/30/09 4:58 PM ]: den funkar nog bra, men det är jobbigt när den saknar program som jag är van att använda

MockY[03/30/09 4:58 PM ]: sant

MockY[03/30/09 4:58 PM ]: Det är ju bara att RDP:a in till din egna dator.

MockY[03/30/09 4:59 PM ]: så har du din dator framför dig

MockY[03/30/09 4:59 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 4:59 PM ]: *väntar på frågetecken från Anders*

tgs3[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: Please don't confuse him

tgs3[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: More.

MockY[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: lol

tgs3[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: See? You pissed off NIklas

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: rdp?

tgs3[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: Random Data Protocal

MockY[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: Remote Desktop Protocol

MockY[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: haha

tgs3[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: That's no fun. That's the real answer

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: vad är det?

MockY[03/30/09 5:01 PM ]: Random works better

tgs3[03/30/09 5:02 PM ]: And you spelled it better than me, too

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:02 PM ]: kan inte ta hem låtarna ens

MockY[03/30/09 5:02 PM ]: Inget du behöver bekymmra dig om just nu

tgs3[03/30/09 5:02 PM ]: The mystery of right-clicking...

MockY[03/30/09 5:02 PM ]: du har dock använt det tidigare då du använde jobbservern då du röstade en dag

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: mjo du kan ta hem dom ifall du använder Explorer

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: som sagt

tgs3[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: Anders. Seriously, just open any folder on the computer. Paste "" into the address bar. It will all work like magic after that

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: Högerklicka på Start knappen

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: Välj Utforska

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: that works too

tgs3[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: Isn't that much easier? What I said?

MockY[03/30/09 5:03 PM ]: yes it is

MockY[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: same thing, different method

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: jo jag ser låtarna

MockY[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: ta hem dom

MockY[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: dra hem dom till skrivbordet

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: inloggningen nekades

MockY[03/30/09 5:04 PM ]: stavat fel?

ragee[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: kan vi börja rösta please

ragee[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: sov inget inatt

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: ska man inte spara mål som

ragee[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: och hoppas på att ta igen det lite i natt

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: 1

ragee[03/30/09 5:05 PM ]: tvivlar dock på det

tgs3[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: 2

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: låter som om att du fortfarande är in Internet Explorer

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: stäng INternet Explorer

ragee[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: ligger på en madrass i ett as varmt ru

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: och öppna vilkan mapp som helst på datorn

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: 3

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: skriv in addressen vi nämt en massa gånger tidigare

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: och sen drar du hem dom

MockY[03/30/09 5:06 PM ]: 4

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:07 PM ]: rs and liars 4p

MockY[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: lol

MockY[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: Lov ers and Liars p

ragee[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: l o vers and liars 4p

MockY[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: 3p

tgs3[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: Queensryche 5p

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:08 PM ]: L0vers & Liars 3p

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: stereoside 6p

MockY[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: Stereoside 5p

ragee[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: papa roach 5p

tgs3[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: Ryan Star 6p

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: Queensryche 6p

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:09 PM ]: queensryche 7p

MockY[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: Papa Roach 6p

ragee[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: queensryche 6p

tgs3[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: Stereoside 7p

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: Stereoside 7p

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: papa roach 8p

MockY[03/30/09 5:10 PM ]: Ryan Stjärna 8p

ragee[03/30/09 5:11 PM ]: ryan star 7p

tgs3[03/30/09 5:11 PM ]: Papa Roach 8p

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:11 PM ]: Ryan Star 8p

MockY[03/30/09 5:11 PM ]: loli loli loligt

tgs3[03/30/09 5:12 PM ]: Hmm. I guess I'm VERY alone if thinking I had a good song...

ragee[03/30/09 5:12 PM ]: mmhmmm

tgs3[03/30/09 5:12 PM ]: Congrats to Anders...

tgs3[03/30/09 5:12 PM ]: Sortas

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:12 PM ]: 5. l overs and liars 14p

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: 4. queensryche 24p

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: 3. stereoside 25p

MockY[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: hoppades på en 3:e placering.

ragee[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: yey jag fick två poäng

MockY[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: nära

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: 2. papa roach 27p

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: cool

MockY[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: Evil Theron

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:13 PM ]: 1. ryan star 29p

tgs3[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: Pretty boring song. Lucky you got 5p for it

MockY[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: hehe

MockY[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: the album is boring :(

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: Queensryche actually grew on me quite a bit, it was more of a 4 when I started

tgs3[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: See?

MockY[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: I just wanted Queensryche to be used at least once

tgs3[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: or :( maybe

MockY[03/30/09 5:14 PM ]: not bad, but not great by any means

MockY[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: 7 for me

MockY[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: just like Anders' score for it

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: det fanns bättre låtar, men jag tror inte det hade funkat i sotd i alla fall

MockY[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: precis

MockY[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: Dom sluta upp med att göra bra ifrån sig efter Promised Land :(

MockY[03/30/09 5:15 PM ]: men dom är extremt trevliga att se Live

MockY[03/30/09 5:16 PM ]: 2 månader kvar till nästa Queesnryche konsert w000t

ragee[03/30/09 5:16 PM ]: ses på torsdag

MockY[03/30/09 5:16 PM ]: happ

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:16 PM ]: wow, he disappears quick

MockY[03/30/09 5:17 PM ]: he always does

tgs3[03/30/09 5:17 PM ]: If a song is only a 7 for the person using it, they are really in trouble....

MockY[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: It's Queensryche. Yet another band to cross off the list

MockY[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: first the scoprs, now queensryche

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: for some reason I've felt like listening to Operation Mindcrime lately

MockY[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: you did Judas and Guns

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: I haven't, but it's crossed my mind several times

MockY[03/30/09 5:18 PM ]: hehe you should

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: Or Empire and come to the consert with me

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: They will play Rage For Order and Empire

tgs3[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: Wins over the last 20 rounds: 10 - Anders, 3 - Theron, Peter, Nina, 1 - Niklas

tgs3[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: sadness....

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: And sadly some shit from American Soldier

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: is it a big venue?

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: Agree on that

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: Fillmore

MockY[03/30/09 5:19 PM ]: The best there is

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: then, nope. Fillmore is too big

tgs3[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: and far away...

MockY[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: They better give me a poster in the end of the show this time. Last Ryche consert me and Adam got zip zap nada

MockY[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: too's perfect. But the distance is not the greatest

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: who are you going with?

MockY[03/30/09 5:20 PM ]: Me, myself, myself, and I

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:21 PM ]: Adam didn't want to go?

MockY[03/30/09 5:21 PM ]: no comma in the end....tried to quote a Live song

MockY[03/30/09 5:21 PM ]: I notified him. And if he really weanted to go, then he would have said something

MockY[03/30/09 5:21 PM ]: I'm not gonna push him into going

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: did you ask Jesse?

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: I did not

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: Should I?

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: not that he's a big Queensryche fan

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: He s concerts

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: He does not strike me as a Queensryche fan

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: though the dude likes to go to concerts

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: exactluy

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: Well, I shall call him later today then

MockY[03/30/09 5:22 PM ]: hopfully there are tickets left

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: when is it?

MockY[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: June

MockY[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: 7th I think

MockY[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: a Sunday

MockY[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: Let me check

MockY[03/30/09 5:23 PM ]: June 4th

MockY[03/30/09 5:24 PM ]: A Thursday

MockY[03/30/09 5:24 PM ]: I was way off

MockY[03/30/09 5:24 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 5:25 PM ]: If he would like to see Queensryche, now would be the time. They change it up for the Fillmore consert and they will play mainly songs from Empire and Rage For ORder

MockY[03/30/09 5:25 PM ]: instead of a regular show

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:25 PM ]: I really like this upcoming round

MockY[03/30/09 5:26 PM ]: Placebo with new drummer.....exciting

tgs3[03/30/09 5:27 PM ]: Yes, the drummer does so much.....

MockY[03/30/09 5:27 PM ]: In Placebo yes

tgs3[03/30/09 5:27 PM ]: I hope the sarcasm was really dripping off that last sentence.

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:27 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[03/30/09 5:27 PM ]: not anymore though, but it's the abscence of the old drummer that changes up the sound a bit

MockY[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]: I was not hit by any of those drops

tgs3[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]: A drummer is like an asshole. Every band has one, but no one really wants to hear about it.

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]: nu har jag låtarna hemma, men det verkar som jag inte får in text-filen

tgs3[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]: good

tgs3[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]:

MockY[03/30/09 5:28 PM ]: lol

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:29 PM ]: ser inga andra text-filer heller

MockY[03/30/09 5:29 PM ]: We don't need yout filthy text files

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:29 PM ]: no text files

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:29 PM ]: så då har det ingen betydelse

tgs3[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: Well, its been 90 minutes now, so I need to do some other things. You all suck! Seeya on Thursday.

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: l8er

MockY[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: well, I'm starving, so I'll see you later

tgs3[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: dood

thebrat13n[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: bye

Hebbe[03/30/09 5:30 PM ]: bye