tgs3[10/08/10 12:31 PM ]: Voting time

tgs3[10/08/10 12:31 PM ]: soon

MockY[10/08/10 12:31 PM ]: wuuuurd!

MockY[10/08/10 12:33 PM ]: I shall poo

MockY[10/08/10 12:38 PM ]: America first...again.

MockY[10/08/10 12:47 PM ]: Hebbster!!

Ragee[10/08/10 12:48 PM ]: yo la familia

MockY[10/08/10 12:48 PM ]: Har du mina 10 låtar högst upp nu?

Ragee[10/08/10 12:49 PM ]: njaaaaaaaaa

MockY[10/08/10 12:49 PM ]: Men va fan..då är din lista fel ju

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: jalopa

tgs3[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: So you guys are both on Anders connection?

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: jupp

tgs3[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: We'll see how that goes

MockY[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: that does not boad well

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: var är ni, vi har århundrades fest imorrn

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:50 PM ]: trodde ni skulle komma

MockY[10/08/10 12:51 PM ]: Men du skickade ju ingen biljett

MockY[10/08/10 12:51 PM ]: jag väntade på den med posten... besviken :(

tgs3[10/08/10 12:51 PM ]: shit. was that this weekend?

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:51 PM ]: du jobbar ju kan du inte köpa en biljett

tgs3[10/08/10 12:51 PM ]: My tickets are for next Friday :(

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:52 PM ]: då blir det fest nästa helg å då

MockY[10/08/10 12:52 PM ]: Min boss ger mig inte tillräckligt med pengar... säg åt han

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:54 PM ]: theron, åt han

thebrat13n[10/08/10 12:54 PM ]: I have to restart my computer, I'll be back...

MockY[10/08/10 12:56 PM ]: Hoppas det hjälpte

tgs3[10/08/10 12:56 PM ]: It tasted good

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:56 PM ]: ni hinner inte hit

tgs3[10/08/10 12:57 PM ]: Ah nevermind. I read that wrong. dumbass

tgs3[10/08/10 12:57 PM ]: Me, I mean

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:57 PM ]: ha ha

MockY[10/08/10 12:58 PM ]: mums lol

tgs3[10/08/10 12:58 PM ]: Work has been a big pain this morning, but it shold hopefully be calm now. My door is closed and my phone is on DND, so it's time for me to relax....

Ragee[10/08/10 12:58 PM ]: hih är tyst även när jag är uppe i norr

Ragee[10/08/10 12:58 PM ]: men nu kan jag iaf skylle på att jag gör olagligheter med Oscar

MockY[10/08/10 12:58 PM ]: som vanligt då...

MockY[10/08/10 12:59 PM ]: inget fruntimmer denna gång

Hebbe[10/08/10 12:59 PM ]: skål

Ragee[10/08/10 12:59 PM ]: KAAAAAAAMPAAAAAI

tgs3[10/08/10 12:59 PM ]: I dont think I want to know what that means

tgs3[10/08/10 1:00 PM ]: Peter, Nina - We doing a shot in my office today before the vote?

MockY[10/08/10 1:00 PM ]: Kan inte dricka så mycket... :( Men skål

thebrat13n[10/08/10 1:00 PM ]: cool

MockY[10/08/10 1:01 PM ]: I guess I can after all then haha

tgs3[10/08/10 1:01 PM ]: That bottle of Crown Royal will be around for a long time I think

MockY[10/08/10 1:01 PM ]: I would think it has gone stale by now

tgs3[10/08/10 1:02 PM ]: There's a difference?

Ragee[10/08/10 1:02 PM ]: schanappi

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:02 PM ]: carlberg

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:02 PM ]: sort guld mm

MockY[10/08/10 1:03 PM ]: bjud ffs

Ragee[10/08/10 1:03 PM ]: han gör ju det

Ragee[10/08/10 1:03 PM ]: till mig iaf tihi

MockY[10/08/10 1:03 PM ]: jag ser inge öl genom min skärm...måste vara dålig öl

tgs3[10/08/10 1:03 PM ]: :(

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: varsågod dom står i garaget

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: raaaaaaap

Ragee[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: buuurpilaijnen

tgs3[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: We better get moving

MockY[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: Maila det istället

MockY[10/08/10 1:04 PM ]: Lite snabbare

MockY[10/08/10 1:05 PM ]: *kolla mailen*

MockY[10/08/10 1:05 PM ]: Så vad tycks om albumet?

MockY[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: Det var ganska enkelt denna gång att färdigställa listan

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: vilket

Ragee[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: iom att jag ej röstar på mig själv så äre väl lite halvdant hehe

Ragee[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: skojja bara

Ragee[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: ellerr...

MockY[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: Hmm, du är ju säsongsvinnaren, så du borde gå bra

tgs3[10/08/10 1:06 PM ]: As usual, the top 15 or so fell into place after a while, but the last 5 are always tough

MockY[10/08/10 1:07 PM ]: Dock har Theron ghjort bra ifrån sig i rundorna men blev helt våldtäckt på albumet

MockY[10/08/10 1:07 PM ]: Men det hade ju varit skojigt ifall du vann albumet också

tgs3[10/08/10 1:08 PM ]: huh? Are you talking about some other season?

MockY[10/08/10 1:08 PM ]: yeah, back in the day

MockY[10/08/10 1:08 PM ]: I remember that you did good in the rounds, even won it, but did fairly poorly on the album

tgs3[10/08/10 1:09 PM ]: Sure, that tended to happen with that bastard Robert would have the exact opposite results

MockY[10/08/10 1:09 PM ]: yeah, I remember that as well. Did poorly in the rounds but raped on the album

tgs3[10/08/10 1:10 PM ]: I guess we should not miss him too much

thebrat13n[10/08/10 1:10 PM ]: I liked this season a lot

tgs3[10/08/10 1:11 PM ]: I thought it was slightly above average. Which is a good thing, of course

MockY[10/08/10 1:12 PM ]: That must be because of my unusually high quality in the songs I used

tgs3[10/08/10 1:12 PM ]: must be

tgs3[10/08/10 1:12 PM ]: You are truly a Man amoung children

MockY[10/08/10 1:12 PM ]: din mamma

tgs3[10/08/10 1:12 PM ]: she also rocks

tgs3[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: or countries

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: jag märker att jag kom långt bak den här säsongen bra låtar långt ner i listan

MockY[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: lol

MockY[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: Du har några påskägg dock

tgs3[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: Seems we all so

tgs3[10/08/10 1:13 PM ]: so

tgs3[10/08/10 1:14 PM ]: do

tgs3[10/08/10 1:14 PM ]: Damn bad theron

tgs3[10/08/10 1:14 PM ]: Or at least I hope I do

MockY[10/08/10 1:15 PM ]: I'm breaking the rule this time. Half of the songs are my own

tgs3[10/08/10 1:15 PM ]: I knew you would be the one to finally cheat like that!!!

MockY[10/08/10 1:16 PM ]: I like to be the first on/with things

tgs3[10/08/10 1:17 PM ]: You are so cool

Ragee[10/08/10 1:17 PM ]: nu spekterar morsan

thebrat13n[10/08/10 1:17 PM ]: I noticed the same thing as Anders, I have lots of good songs lower in the list, I keep thinking I need to move them up

tgs3[10/08/10 1:17 PM ]: HELLOOO BIBBI!!!!

tgs3[10/08/10 1:18 PM ]: Yeah, sometimes you want to move a song up, but then you realize there is not anywhere to move it

Ragee[10/08/10 1:18 PM ]: heeej säger morsan

tgs3[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: I guess she is up for the party?

MockY[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: Is she a guest voter for you Niklas?

Ragee[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: ja för fan full så innåt

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: ja det här brukar man inte vara med om

Ragee[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: yes yes

Ragee[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: nääärå

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: måste pinka

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:19 PM ]: blb

tgs3[10/08/10 1:20 PM ]: see you in 15 mins

MockY[10/08/10 1:21 PM ]: 15 minutes? haha make that 60 minutes lol

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:22 PM ]: gick bra

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: nytt rekord 3 min

Ragee[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: oj oj oj

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: ok är alla redo

thebrat13n[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: There's a small problem over at the other office that I need to take care of. Hopefully you guys can live with a 20 minute break or so while I do this. Sorry

tgs3[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: Shit

tgs3[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: I guess not

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:23 PM ]: ok 20 min

MockY[10/08/10 1:24 PM ]: You ass

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:24 PM ]: theron du måste ha bättre ordning på företaget så här på fredagar

tgs3[10/08/10 1:24 PM ]: There are a couple of things I should take care of during this time.

MockY[10/08/10 1:24 PM ]: Then I shall poo, and try to beat Anders pee time

tgs3[10/08/10 1:25 PM ]: Yes, Anders, heads will roll!!

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:25 PM ]: gör det så att vi kan rösta i lugn och ro

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:25 PM ]: skååååål

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:25 PM ]: nu måste jag hämta öl i garaget

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:25 PM ]:

Hebbe[10/08/10 1:44 PM ]: är det nån kvar